Agent Details

50 Ridgefield Avenue PARADISE SA 5075
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Opening Times
15-Nov-2018 05:45PM to 06:00PM
Quick Summary
$420 per week
Type: rental
Property Description
Low maintenance with a separate living room or study to the front of the home and the family/dining to the rear (giving separation for families doing different things at the same time for privacy).
There is a lovely ensuite and walk in robe to the main bedroom (bedroom 2 and 3 with build in robes). Ducted reverse cycle air-conditioning throughout, LED downlights and super efficient insulation to current codes.
A back alfresco area and near great places to walk (Thorndon park just a stroll away!)
12 Months lease
$420.00 per week
Tenants to pay all water supply and usage
Pets Negotiable